Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, looking for the perfect Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco recipe? look no further! We provide you only the perfect Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco
Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco

Before you jump to Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about The Simple Ways to Be Healthy.

We all know that, in order to really be healthy, nutritious and balanced meal plans are important as are good amounts of exercise. The worst part is that, at the end of the day, we don’t always have the time or energy required for a healthy lifestyle. At the conclusion of the day, the majority of us want to go home, not to the gym. A hot, grease laden burger is usually our food of choice and not a leafy green salad (unless we are vegetarians). You should be glad to learn that getting healthy doesn’t always have to be super hard work. If you are persistent you’ll get all of the activity and healthy food choices you need. Here are some simple ways to get healthy.

Drink water, not alternative beverages. Soda and coffee, when used in small amounts, aren’t that bad. Using them for your sole source of hydration, on the other hand, is dumb. When you choose water more than other beverages you are helping your body stay very healthful and hydrated. You’re also cutting hundreds of calories away from your diet— without having to resort to terrible tasting diet food. Water is often one of the keys to successful weight loss and healthfulness.

There are a good deal of things that contribute to your getting healthy. Intensive gym visits and narrowly defined diets are not always the solution. Little things, when done each day, can do plenty to enable you to get healthy and lose pounds. Being intelligent when you choose your food and actions is where it begins. A proper amount of physical activity each day is also critical. Remember: being healthy and balanced isn’t just about reducing your weight. You need your body to be strong too.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to ground beef kofta / carnasa tipo turco recipe. You can cook ground beef kofta / carnasa tipo turco using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco:
  1. Use 1 kg ground beef or lamb / carne molida que SI tenga grasa
  2. Prepare 1 medium Onion very finely chopped / cebolla picada fino
  3. Use 3/4 cup fine chopped parsley / manojo de perejil solo usar hojitas picado fino
  4. Prepare 1 tsp ground coriander/ cilantro seco
  5. Use 4 tbsp finely chopped Peppermint
  6. Use 1 tsp ground cumin / comino
  7. Use 1 tbsp paprika
  8. Take 2 tbsp water / agua
  9. Get 2 piece garlic crushed/ ajos exprimidos
  10. Prepare 1 Salt to the taste / Sal al gusto
  11. Use 1/4 tsp ground black pepper / Pimienta negra molido fino
Steps to make Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco:
  1. Mix everything together with your hands
  2. Mezclar y amasar todo junto con las manos
  3. Roll the meet into a 10 cm tube and introduce the squewers
  4. Formar las carnasas y introducir la brocheta
  5. Put some a vegetable oil in a frying pan low heat./ poner un poco de aceite en el sarten a fuego bajo
  6. When you are ready to eat them Cook under low heat rolling constantly so the meat doesn't dry up / Momentos antes de sentarse a la mesa, cocinar bajo fuego lento moviendo constante para q queden jugosas y no se doren.

If you find this Ground Beef kofta / Carnasa tipo turco recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.