Fried Boneless Pork Chops and Gravy. Place Chops in Ziplock bag add the Dressing. Drain dressing off and flour and fry in frying pan. Drain any oil left over and put the chops back in fring pan.

Fried Boneless Pork Chops and Gravy

You can have a marinated pork chop, smothered pork chops in gravy ,oven-fry or pan-fry and a whole lot more. These Pan-fried Boneless Pork Chops here are a family staple in our house. These Pan-fried boneless pork chops pairs well with my Green Bean Caaserole and Southern Fried. You can have Fried Boneless Pork Chops and Gravy using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fried Boneless Pork Chops and Gravy

  1. Prepare of Chops————-.
  2. It’s of boneless pork loin chops.
  3. You need of all purpose flour.
  4. You need of salt.
  5. It’s of ground black pepper.
  6. It’s of extra Virgin olive oil to fry the chops.
  7. You need of salt.
  8. You need of ground black pepper.
  9. It’s of Gravy————–.
  10. Prepare of granulated garlic powder.
  11. Prepare of water.
  12. Prepare of salt.
  13. It’s of ground black pepper.

These pork chops will melt in your mouth. They are very good and easy to assemble. They are first sauteed in butter, then baked in a creamy mushroom sauce. In our family we like to try different ways of preparing pork chops, like the Southern Fried Pork Chops, Broiled Pork Chops or Smothered Pork Chops, but simple salt and pepper pan-fried boneless pork chops.

Fried Boneless Pork Chops and Gravy step by step

  1. Heat the oil. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper with 2 cup of flour. Coat the chops with the flour..
  2. Let it rest with the flour on the chops. When the oil is hot add the chops to it and fry..
  3. Turn as needed..
  4. When done move to a paper towel to absorb excessive amounts of oil..
  5. Drain the oil except a half of a cup or so. Add the flour and stir getting rid of the lumps. Add the 1/2 the water and stir. When mixed it will be thick. Add the rest of the water. Mix well. Adjust the flavors..
  6. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.
  7. I hope you enjoy!!.

There's pork chop, pork loin, pork steak, pork ribs so many recipes for Pork. Today's recipe is boneless Pork Chop smothered in a succulent gravy. Look for a lean center cut or top pork loin without the bone. Place the pork onto a baking sheet. Southern fried pork chops with mushroom gravy is the best comfort food meal for a chilly night.

By Sandra