Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup. Home for a couple of days and decided to make bitter leaf soup a.k.a. 'ofe onugbu'. Enjoy the recipe and don't forget to check out my website. #ogbono #ogbonosoup #bitterleaf This video is about how to cook ogbono soup with bitter leaf. Ogbono (draw soup) is a very delicious soup but you can take.

Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup

Tanx dear for ur fine ogbonno soup recipe.. Please keep sending more recipe to. me. See recipes for Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup, Ogbonno soup too. Jemand können haben Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup

  1. Du brauchst 1/2 of kilo of brisket bones.
  2. Es ist of I medium size smoked fish.
  3. Bereiten Handful of stockfish flakes.
  4. Es ist 4 of brown pomo.
  5. Bereiten 1/2 cup of periwinkle.
  6. Bereiten 3 tablespoon of grinder ogbonno.
  7. Es ist 2 cups of fresh sliced okra.
  8. Es ist 5 of fresh yellow pepper.
  9. Es ist of I handful freshly washed bitter leaves.
  10. Es ist 1/2 cup of crayfish.
  11. Du brauchst 2 of stockcubes.
  12. Du brauchst 1 tablespoon of black pepper.
  13. Es ist 1/2 cup of palm oil.
  14. Du brauchst of Salt.

The combination of okra , ogboono and bitter leaf is a winner anyday and any time. I usually prefer brisket bones in this soup So here's my easy breezy recipe, try it out and lets compare notes. 😋😋. Bitterleaf Soup is not bitter as implied by the name. Make sure that the bitter leaves are well washed, such that there is no.

Ogbonno, okra and Bitter leaf soup Anleitung

  1. Wash your brisket bones, and pomo. Season with garlic, salt, black pepper, onions and boil without water, once the water dry out, add about 3 cups and continuing boiling meat till tender…add in the stockfish flakes..
  2. Add some water, pour in the ogbonno, add the palm oil, stir to mix well…if too thick add little water.. allow to boil, conceit boils, add the periwinkle, okra, pounded pepper and crayfish and allow to cook on medium heat for about 5 mins…
  3. Stir, add the washed bitter leaves, black pepper, crumbled the stock cubes over the pot and give it a good stir….do nit cover the..pot.. once the bitter leave cooks for about 5mins, taste for salt..remove from heat..
  4. The beauty of this soup, is actually in the softness of the brisket bones and pomo and smoked fish….this soup is totally yum and goes well with Semolina, Fufu or even Amala. 😋😋As you can see, imhad mine with very fluffy zingy and light semolina..

Bitter Leaf Soup Recipe: How to Cook Bitter Leaf Soup with Cocoyam (Ofe Onugbu). Год назад. This is one of my favorite soups, Bitter leaves can also be made with Ogbono, Okra or added to other soups. Ogbono Soup or Draw Soup, is a popular Nigerian soup recipe made with Ogbono This is one of the first soup, after Okra soup, given to kids when trying to introduce them to Ogbono soup has a mucilaginous (slimy) texture, similar to okra soup. The soup is very easy to prepare, delicious and above all packed with assorted meats to calm your taste bud. Ogbono soup is usually cooked combined with okra and pumpkin leaves, which makes the soup very appetising.

By Sandra