Welcome to our blog where we bring you the delightful world of crispy sesame balls, also known as Jian Dui! In this article, we will explore the art of making these traditional Chinese treats that are loved by people around the globe. With their crispy exterior and sweet, gooey filling, sesame balls are a must-try for any food enthusiast. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, we’ve got you covered with some amazing recipes and tips to help you create these delectable treats at home. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets behind making the perfect crispy sesame balls!

1. Introduction to Crispy Sesame Balls (Jian Dui)

Welcome to our blog where we explore the wonderful world of crispy sesame balls, also known as Jian Dui. These delightful Chinese treats have captivated taste buds for generations with their unique combination of textures and flavors. Whether you’ve already tried them or are curious to learn more, this section will serve as the perfect introduction to the enticing world of crispy sesame balls.

The Origins

Believed to have originated in China during the Tang Dynasty, crispy sesame balls have a history that spans over a thousand years. They have become an integral part of Chinese cuisine and culture, particularly during festive occasions such as Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Texture and Taste

What sets crispy sesame balls apart is their contrasting textures. The outer layer is made from glutinous rice flour, which yields a satisfying chewiness when cooked. Once fried, this layer turns delightfully crispy, offering a delightful crunch with each bite. Inside, you’ll often find a sweet filling, such as red bean paste or lotus seed paste, which adds a burst of flavor to complement the crispy exterior.

Cultural Significance

Crispy sesame balls hold a special place in Chinese culture and are often associated with good luck and prosperity. Their round shape symbolizes completeness and unity, making them a popular treat during festive gatherings and family celebrations. They are also believed to bring good fortune and are often offered as gifts to friends and loved ones.

Global Popularity

Over the years, crispy sesame balls have gained popularity beyond China’s borders. They can now be found in various Asian cuisines and are loved by people around the world. Their unique combination of textures, delightful taste, and cultural significance has made them a beloved treat for both locals and adventurous food enthusiasts.

Now that you have a glimpse into the fascinating world of crispy sesame balls, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure as we delve deeper into the history, recipes, and tips to help you create these delectable treats in your own kitchen.

2. History and Cultural Significance of Jian Dui

The history of crispy sesame balls, also known as Jian Dui, can be traced back to ancient China. During the Tang Dynasty, these treats were created as an offering to the gods during religious ceremonies and festivals. Over time, they gained popularity and became an integral part of Chinese culinary traditions.

Ancient Origins

The origins of crispy sesame balls can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). During this period, they were known as “baituo” and were made with rice flour, sesame seeds, and honey. The round shape of the balls was believed to resemble golden coins, symbolizing wealth and prosperity.

Symbolism and Tradition

Crispy sesame balls hold great cultural significance in Chinese traditions and are often enjoyed during auspicious occasions. For example, they are a common treat during Lunar New Year celebrations, symbolizing good luck and a prosperous year ahead. The act of sharing and eating sesame balls together with loved ones strengthens family bonds and fosters unity.

Regional Variations

While crispy sesame balls are enjoyed throughout China, different regions have their own variations. For instance, in southern China, the filling is often made from sweet lotus seed paste, while in northern China, red bean paste is more commonly used. These regional differences add to the diversity and richness of this beloved treat.

Modern Adaptations

In recent years, crispy sesame balls have undergone some modern adaptations to cater to changing tastes. Chefs and food enthusiasts have experimented with various fillings, such as custard, chocolate, and even savory options like salted egg yolk. These innovations have added new dimensions to the traditional treat, appealing to a wider audience.

Preserving Tradition

Despite the modern adaptations, many Chinese communities and families continue to uphold the tradition of making crispy sesame balls from scratch. This involves meticulous preparation and attention to detail to ensure the perfect balance of flavors and textures. Preserving this tradition allows younger generations to connect with their cultural heritage and appreciate the significance behind this beloved treat.

Understanding the history and cultural significance of crispy sesame balls adds a deeper appreciation for these delightful treats. In the next sections, we will explore the key ingredients, techniques, and variations that make up the art of making crispy sesame balls.

3. Ingredients and Tools You’ll Need

Before you embark on the rewarding journey of making crispy sesame balls, it’s important to gather the necessary ingredients and tools. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll need:

1. Glutinous Rice Flour

The main ingredient in crispy sesame balls is glutinous rice flour, also known as sweet rice flour or sticky rice flour. This flour is responsible for the chewy texture of the outer layer. Make sure to choose a high-quality brand for optimal results.

2. Filling of Your Choice

Traditionally, crispy sesame balls are filled with sweet fillings like red bean paste or lotus seed paste. However, you can experiment with other fillings such as black sesame paste, taro paste, or even nutella for a unique twist. The choice is yours!

3. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are an essential component of crispy sesame balls, adding a nutty flavor and a delightful crunch. Opt for white sesame seeds for a classic look or black sesame seeds for a more dramatic appearance.

4. Cooking Oil

You’ll need a neutral-flavored cooking oil with a high smoke point for frying the sesame balls. Popular choices include vegetable oil, canola oil, or peanut oil. Avoid using oils with strong flavors, as they may overpower the delicate taste of the sesame balls.

5. Water and Sugar

To create the dough for the outer layer, you’ll need water and a small amount of sugar. The sugar helps to balance the flavors and adds a subtle sweetness to the dough.

6. Mixing Bowl and Utensils

A mixing bowl and a sturdy wooden spoon or spatula are essential for combining the ingredients and forming the dough. Additionally, you’ll need a clean surface for kneading the dough and a rolling pin for flattening it.

7. Deep Fryer or Pot

For frying the sesame balls, you’ll need a deep fryer or a deep pot filled with cooking oil. If using a pot, ensure that it is deep enough to fully submerge the sesame balls and has a lid to prevent oil splatters.

8. Spider Strainer or Slotted Spoon

To safely remove the fried sesame balls from the hot oil, a spider strainer or a slotted spoon is indispensable. These tools allow you to drain excess oil and transfer the sesame balls to a plate lined with paper towels.

Now that you have a clear understanding of the ingredients and tools required, you’re one step closer to creating your own batch of crispy sesame balls. In the next section, we’ll guide you through a traditional recipe that will help you achieve the perfect balance of flavors and textures.

4. Traditional Crispy Sesame Balls Recipe

Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure as we guide you through the steps of making traditional crispy sesame balls. This recipe captures the authentic flavors and textures that make these treats so irresistible.


  • 2 cups glutinous rice flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 cup sweet red bean paste (or filling of your choice)
  • 1/2 cup sesame seeds
  • Oil for frying


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the glutinous rice flour, sugar, and water. Mix until a smooth dough forms. If the dough is too sticky, add a little more flour; if it’s too dry, add a little more water. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic.
  2. Divide the dough into small portions, each about the size of a golf ball. Flatten each portion with your palms to create a disc shape.
  3. Place a teaspoon of sweet red bean paste (or your chosen filling) in the center of each disc. Carefully fold the edges of the dough over the filling, sealing it completely. Roll it gently between your palms to form a smooth ball.
  4. In a separate shallow bowl, spread out the sesame seeds. Roll each filled dough ball in the sesame seeds, ensuring they adhere evenly to the surface.
  5. Heat oil in a deep fryer or pot to around 350°F (175°C). Carefully drop a few sesame balls into the hot oil and fry them until they turn golden brown, about 4-5 minutes. Fry in small batches to maintain the oil temperature.
  6. Using a spider strainer or slotted spoon, transfer the fried sesame balls to a plate lined with paper towels to drain excess oil.
  7. Allow the sesame balls to cool slightly before serving. They are best enjoyed fresh when they are still warm and crispy.


  • Ensure the filling is completely sealed within the dough to prevent it from leaking during frying.
  • When rolling the dough balls in sesame seeds, gently press the seeds onto the surface to ensure they adhere well.
  • Adjust the frying time and temperature as needed to achieve a golden brown color without burning the sesame balls.

Now that you have the recipe, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and create your own batch of delicious crispy sesame balls. In the next section, we’ll explore various fillings that you can experiment with to add a delightful twist to this traditional treat.

5. Variations of Sesame Ball Fillings

While the classic sweet red bean paste filling is a popular choice for crispy sesame balls, there are numerous other delicious fillings you can explore. These fillings add unique flavors and textures to elevate your sesame balls to a whole new level. Here are some variations to consider:

1. Lotus Seed Paste

Lotus seed paste is a smooth and creamy filling made from ground lotus seeds. It has a mild and slightly nutty flavor that pairs beautifully with the crispy sesame shell. This filling is a common choice in southern China and adds a touch of elegance to the sesame balls.

2. Black Sesame Paste

For a rich and indulgent twist, consider using black sesame paste as a filling. Made from roasted black sesame seeds, this paste has a strong, nutty flavor that complements the sweetness of the sesame balls. Its dark color also creates a striking contrast against the golden crust.

3. Peanut Butter

If you’re a fan of the classic combination of sesame and peanuts, try using peanut butter as the filling. The creamy and nutty flavor of the peanut butter adds a delightful twist to the traditional sesame balls. Opt for smooth or crunchy peanut butter, depending on your preference.

4. Chocolate Ganache

Indulge your sweet tooth by filling your sesame balls with a decadent chocolate ganache. The smooth and velvety texture of the ganache pairs beautifully with the crispy exterior. Experiment with different types of chocolate, such as dark, milk, or even flavored varieties, to create unique flavor profiles.

5. Matcha Green Tea Paste

For a touch of elegance and a hint of bitterness, consider using matcha green tea paste as a filling. The earthy and vibrant flavor of matcha complements the sweetness of the sesame balls, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. This filling is particularly popular in Japanese-inspired sesame balls.

6. Salted Egg Yolk Custard

If you’re feeling adventurous, try filling your sesame balls with a luscious salted egg yolk custard. This filling offers a delightful combination of sweet and savory flavors. The creamy custard with a hint of saltiness provides a wonderful contrast to the crispy sesame shell.

These are just a few examples of the many filling options you can explore when making crispy sesame balls. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your favorite flavors. The possibilities are endless, and each variation will bring a unique twist to this beloved treat.

6. Tips and Tricks for Perfect Sesame Balls

Making crispy sesame balls requires some finesse to achieve the perfect balance of textures and flavors. Here are some tips and tricks to help you master the art of creating flawless sesame balls:

1. Proper Dough Consistency

Ensure that the dough has the right consistency by adding water or flour as needed. The dough should be slightly elastic and easy to work with, without being too sticky or dry. Adjust the amount of liquid or flour accordingly to achieve the desired texture.

2. Thoroughly Seal the Fillings

To prevent the filling from leaking out during frying, make sure to seal the edges of the dough properly. Pinch and twist the dough together to create a tight seal, ensuring that no filling escapes during the frying process.

3. Even Distribution of Sesame Seeds

When rolling the dough balls in sesame seeds, press them gently to ensure an even distribution of seeds. This will help create a visually appealing and crunchy crust. Pressing the sesame seeds firmly onto the surface will ensure they adhere well and don’t fall off during frying.

4. Maintain a Consistent Oil Temperature

For crispy and evenly cooked sesame balls, it’s important to maintain a consistent oil temperature. Use a thermometer to monitor the oil and adjust the heat as needed. Too high of a temperature may result in burnt sesame balls, while too low of a temperature may make them greasy.

5. Fry in Small Batches

Avoid overcrowding the fryer or pot when frying the sesame balls. Fry them in small batches to allow ample space for the balls to cook evenly. Overcrowding can reduce the oil temperature and result in greasy and unevenly cooked sesame balls.

6. Drain Excess Oil

After frying, place the sesame balls on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil. This will help maintain their crispiness and prevent them from becoming greasy. Allow them to cool slightly before serving to avoid burning your mouth.

7. Enjoy Fresh and Warm

Sesame balls are best enjoyed fresh and warm, shortly after frying. Their texture is at its peak, with a crispy exterior and a soft, gooey filling. If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container at room temperature and reheat them gently in the oven to restore their crispness.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to creating perfectly crispy sesame balls that will impress your family and friends. In the next section, we’ll explore gluten-free and vegan alternatives for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

7. Gluten-Free and Vegan Alternatives

If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, fret not! There are gluten-free and vegan alternatives that allow you to enjoy the deliciousness of crispy sesame balls without compromising on taste. Here are some options to consider:

Gluten-Free Alternatives

For those following a gluten-free diet, you can replace the glutinous rice flour with alternative flours that are naturally gluten-free. Some options include:

  • Rice Flour: Substitute glutinous rice flour with rice flour, which is made from ground rice grains. Opt for a finely ground rice flour for a smoother texture.
  • Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour: Use a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend as a direct replacement for the glutinous rice flour. Look for a blend that is specifically formulated for baking.
  • Almond Flour: Add a nutty flavor and a slightly denser texture by incorporating almond flour into the dough mixture. It works best when combined with other gluten-free flours.

Vegan Alternatives

If you follow a vegan lifestyle, you can easily adapt traditional sesame ball recipes by substituting animal-based ingredients with plant-based alternatives. Here are some ideas:

  • Plant-Based Milk: Replace dairy milk with your preferred plant-based milk, such as almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk. Choose unsweetened varieties to maintain the balance of flavors.
  • Vegetable Oil: Use vegetable oils, such as canola oil or coconut oil, instead of animal-based fats like butter or lard. These oils provide the necessary fat content for the dough.
  • Agave Syrup or Maple Syrup: Swap out honey or other sweeteners with agave syrup or maple syrup to maintain the sweetness of the dough without using animal by-products.
  • Vegan Fillings: Opt for vegan fillings like fruit preserves, chocolate spreads made from plant-based ingredients, or homemade nut butters. Ensure these fillings are free from animal-derived ingredients.

Recipe Modifications

When following gluten-free or vegan alternatives, it’s essential to adjust the recipe accordingly. The dough consistency may vary, so be prepared to make slight modifications by adding more liquid or flour to achieve the desired texture.

By incorporating these gluten-free and vegan alternatives, you can enjoy crispy sesame balls that cater to your dietary needs and preferences. In the next section, we’ll explore creative presentation ideas to make your sesame balls visually stunning.

8. Creative Presentation Ideas

Elevate your crispy sesame balls from tasty treats to eye-catching works of edible art. With a little creativity, you can present these delicious delights in visually stunning ways. Here are some creative presentation ideas to impress your guests:

1. Tower of Sesame Balls

Stack the sesame balls on a serving platter, forming a tower. Start with a larger sesame ball at the bottom and gradually reduce the size as you build upward. This creates an impressive centerpiece that adds height and elegance to your presentation.

2. Colorful Assortment

Prepare sesame balls with different fillings and coatings to create a colorful assortment. Arrange them on a plate, showcasing a variety of flavors and textures. This not only looks visually appealing but also allows guests to choose their favorite combinations.

3. Sesame Ball Skewers

Thread the sesame balls onto skewers, alternating with fresh fruits like strawberries, pineapple chunks, or kiwi slices. This creates a visually pleasing and easy-to-grab presentation. Guests can enjoy a delightful combination of flavors by tasting the sesame balls and the refreshing fruit.

4. Sesame Ball Sundaes

Transform your sesame balls into a decadent dessert by turning them into sundaes. Place a sesame ball at the bottom of a dessert bowl or glass, top it with a scoop of ice cream or gelato, and drizzle with your favorite sauce. Add some whipped cream and a sprinkle of sesame seeds for an extra touch of indulgence.

5. Sesame Ball Fondue

Create a fun and interactive dessert experience with a sesame ball fondue. Melt chocolate or caramel in a fondue pot and serve it alongside a platter of freshly fried sesame balls. Guests can dip the sesame balls into the warm sauce, creating a delightful combination of flavors and textures.

6. Mini Sesame Ball Bites

Make bite-sized sesame balls by shaping the dough into smaller balls. Arrange them on a serving tray or in mini cupcake liners for easy grabbing. These mini sesame ball bites are perfect for parties and gatherings, allowing guests to enjoy a bite-sized burst of flavor.

7. Personalized Sesame Ball Boxes

Create personalized sesame ball boxes by packaging individual sesame balls in small gift boxes or Chinese takeout containers. Add a ribbon and a personalized tag for a thoughtful and memorable party favor or gift.

These creative presentation ideas will not only make your crispy sesame balls visually appealing but also add an element of fun and excitement to your culinary creations. In the next section, we’ll provide you with tips on serving and storing your sesame balls to ensure they stay fresh and delicious.

9. Serving and Storing Tips

Once you’ve mastered the art of making crispy sesame balls, it’s important to know how to serve and store them properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. Here are some handy tips to ensure your sesame balls are enjoyed at their best:

Serving Tips:

  • Serve the sesame balls while they are still warm and crispy. This is when they offer the best texture and flavor.
  • Consider serving sesame balls alongside a pot of hot tea or a refreshing beverage to balance the sweetness and enhance the overall experience.
  • Provide small plates or napkins for guests to place their sesame balls on while enjoying them. This helps to catch any crumbs and prevents them from getting too messy.
  • Encourage guests to eat the sesame balls in one or two bites to fully appreciate the combination of textures and flavors.

Storing Tips:

  • If you have leftover sesame balls, allow them to cool completely before storing them.
  • Place the sesame balls in an airtight container or zip-top bag to prevent them from becoming stale. Make sure to remove as much air as possible to maintain their crispness.
  • Store the sesame balls at room temperature in a cool and dry place. Avoid refrigerating them, as it can cause them to become soggy.
  • If you need to store the sesame balls for an extended period, consider freezing them. Place them in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, freeze until firm, and then transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bag. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.
  • To reheat frozen sesame balls, preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and bake them for about 10 minutes until heated through. This will help restore their crispness.

By following these serving and storing tips, you can savor the deliciousness of crispy sesame balls even after they have cooled down. Now that you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need, it’s time to unleash your creativity and enjoy the delightful world of crispy sesame balls!

10. Crispy Sesame Balls: Beyond Tradition

In this final section, we’ll explore innovative twists on the traditional crispy sesame ball recipe. While the classic version is undeniably delicious, there are exciting variations and modern interpretations that can take your sesame balls to new heights. Get ready to expand your culinary horizons!

Fusion Flavors

Infuse your sesame balls with flavors from other cuisines to create fusion delights. For example, incorporate matcha powder into the dough for a Japanese-inspired twist, or add cardamom and pistachios for a Middle Eastern flavor profile. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Savory Sesame Balls

While sesame balls are traditionally sweet, you can explore savory options for a delightful twist. Fill the sesame balls with ingredients like minced meat, vegetables, or cheese to create savory appetizers or a unique addition to your meal. Serve them alongside dipping sauces for an extra burst of flavor.

Mini Sesame Ball Dessert Platter

Create a stunning dessert platter by arranging an assortment of mini sesame balls alongside other bite-sized treats. Include fruits, mini pastries, or small portions of other desserts to offer a variety of flavors and textures. This platter is perfect for parties or gatherings, allowing guests to indulge in a delightful array of sweet treats.

Flavored Coatings

Add an extra layer of flavor to your sesame balls by experimenting with flavored coatings. Roll the dough balls in crushed cookies, crushed nuts, or even toasted coconut flakes for a unique twist. The coating not only adds a delicious flavor but also enhances the visual appeal of the sesame balls.

Baked Sesame Balls

For a healthier alternative, try baking your sesame balls instead of frying them. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) and place the filled sesame balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. While they may not have the same crispy texture as fried sesame balls, they still offer a delightful chewiness.

With these innovative ideas, you can take the traditional sesame ball recipe to new heights and explore exciting flavor combinations. Don’t be afraid to unleash your creativity and make these treats uniquely your own!

Thank you for joining us on this delicious journey into the world of crispy sesame balls. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about their history, making them from scratch, and exploring new variations. Now it’s time to gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and create your own batch of crispy sesame balls. Happy cooking!

In conclusion, crispy sesame balls, also known as Jian Dui, are delightful Chinese treats that have captivated taste buds for centuries. From their rich history and cultural significance to the variety of fillings and creative presentations, sesame balls offer a culinary adventure that is both delicious and visually appealing. Whether you stick to the traditional recipe or explore innovative twists, these treats are sure to impress. With the tips and tricks provided, you can master the art of making perfectly crispy sesame balls in your own kitchen.

Whether you have dietary restrictions or preferences, there are gluten-free and vegan alternatives available, allowing everyone to enjoy the goodness of sesame balls. By following the serving and storing tips, you can ensure that your sesame balls stay fresh and flavorful, even after they have cooled down.

So, unleash your creativity, experiment with different fillings and coatings, and present your sesame balls in creative ways that will wow your guests. From fusion flavors to savory options, there are endless possibilities to explore.

Thank you for joining us on this culinary journey into the world of crispy sesame balls. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning, creating, and indulging in these delectable treats. Now it’s time to gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and embark on your own sesame ball adventure. Happy cooking!

Related video of Deliciously Crispy Sesame Balls (Jian Dui) Recipes: A Traditional Chinese Delight

By Sandra