Quick blue cheese pasta. Boil the pasta according to pack instructions. In a saucepan, melt the butter, then gently fry the onion until golden. This goes together while the pasta water is boiling.

Quick blue cheese pasta

Sauce will thicken a bit upon standing. Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water until al dente. Meanwhile, heat oil in heavy skillet. You can have Quick blue cheese pasta using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. This is you can achieve that.

Ingredients of Quick blue cheese pasta

  1. You need of pasta.
  2. It’s of blue cheese.
  3. Prepare of greens.
  4. You need of butter.

Add garlic, and saute for a few minutes. This easy blue cheese sauce recipe for pasta uses only three ingredients and comes together in a snap by melting into the hot cooked pasta. Not sure what your favorite blue cheese is? Ask your local cheesemonger for a few samples, or try Gorgonzola, Cashel Blue, Buttermilk Blue, or Maytag.

Quick blue cheese pasta instructions

  1. Put the pasta on to boil.
  2. Melt the butter in a pan and add the greens to wilt.
  3. Once the greens are cooked add slices of the blue cheese to melt.
  4. Drain the pasta once it's cooked, keep a spoonful of the pasta water.
  5. Add the pasta water to the greens and cheese and pour over the pasta.
  6. Serve!.

I first made my spaghetti with blue cheese sauce on the last live stream I did. I promised I would make an actual video for the recipe, so i'm doing it You can use different blue cheeses if you can't get hold of saint agur. Roquefort would be good, or maybe a mild stilton. Just be aware that different cheeses. When a serious craving for cheesy pasta comes calling, turn to this decadent recipe, which elevates basic cream sauce with toasted walnuts, blue cheese and fresh Toss the pasta with the cream sauce, blue cheese and walnuts, adding some of the reserved cooking liquid if the pasta seems dry.