Sayur Air Petola (Angled Gourd Soup).

Sayur Air Petola (Angled Gourd Soup)

You can have Sayur Air Petola (Angled Gourd Soup) using 10 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sayur Air Petola (Angled Gourd Soup)

  1. It’s 3 cloves of Garlic.
  2. It’s of Black Pepper.
  3. It’s 4 cups of Water.
  4. It’s 1 cube of Chicken Stock.
  5. It’s half of Chilli.
  6. It’s 1 of Red Onion.
  7. Prepare half of Angled Gourd/Petola.
  8. It’s of Fishballs.
  9. It’s 2 of Eggs.
  10. Prepare Glass of Noodles.

Sayur Air Petola (Angled Gourd Soup) step by step

  1. Cut up the ingredients like so..
  2. Add ingredients in order..
  3. Serve..